Over 24,000 care providers used our training products and services in the last 12 months

About Mulberry House

Mulberry House SCTV is the first accredited training provider to offer e-learning and DVD based training.

More social care providers make use of our training services than any other option in the UK. Why? High quality, professional accreditation, easy to use, popular with learners, fair pricing. 96% of our users say they would actively recommend us to other social care providers! Therefore, our training is good for those you support, good for your business, good for inspection  —  everything you should be looking for!

Over 24,000 health and social care providers, agencies, learning providers, councils, colleges have used our resources during the last twelve months.  We have actively influenced the skills development of hundreds of thousands of health and social care workers and continue to do so, right now.

Likewise, we have been and continue to be, influential in promoting the best interests of many thousands of people who use services such as those you offer.

Our missionOur values


Our Products and Services

If you haven’t bought a Mulberry House resource before, you may not appreciate just how good they are!

You’ll find the resources, written specifically for workforce development within health and social care, are exactly what you're looking for.

There are huge benefits to in-house learning, for example: 

  • you don't "lose" staff for time away on external training courses
  • you save money, in-house learning costs less than using external trainers
  • if someone's unsure or forgets, for no extra cost you can refresh their understanding
  • no need to wait to get a new worker trained
  • making sure, for example, Care Certificate Standards are easily met 

All our resources satisfy relevant care standards, inspectorate, learning skills agency and legal requirements.  In fact, they exceed them, which provides considerable "future proofing" for your investment in learning resources.

Need a resource, but can't find it?Work alongside us


What about e-learning?

Now, with more difficult economic times and reductions in funding, e-learning has become more prominent.  Through our e-learning portal (which you can visit at www.social-care.tv), all of our DVD resources are available, in full, as e-learning resources.

Several thousand health and social care care providers, like you, regularly use our social-care.tv e-learning resource, which is now the most popular e-learning resource for health and social care providers in the UK. 

All our e-learning resources are designed to satisfy induction standards and act as legitimate pathways for credits towards vocational qualifications.